Sarang Gunjal Full-Stack Web Developer

My Story

Professional Me

I am passionate about computers since childhood. I always want to know how things work. I love learning new technologies as well as skills. I have solved more than 200 Data structure and algorithms problems and learnt frontend and backend in Javascript, I have had the opportunity to work on several exciting projects using these technologies. These experiences not only helped me grow technically but also taught me how to work in a team, manage time properly and effectively. Now, I am more passionate than ever to take on a new journey where I can challenge myself constantly, and make a mark in the programming world!






Personal Website

Clone of


A web application to shop for clothes.
Features : Filter for Products, Showing Product Details completely on a page, Check if delivery is available, Cart and Payment Pages.

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Perpetual Crusades

Clone of


A web application to shop for cosmetics.
Features : Pop-up for login, Mock server for adding products, Category-wise filters for products, Showing multiple images for specific product, Add product quantity, Using express-js for backend purpose

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Personal Website

Clone of Discovery Plus


Discovery+ is an online website that allows streaming of programs operated by the Discovery company
Features : Sign-in with otp validation, Various channels and videos, Categories and premium plans.

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Perpetual Crusades

Shopping Website


A web application for shopping
Features : Login and Signup for user, Check user is valid or not, Logout is also working, Mock server for adding products, Category-wise filters for products, Search products on debouncing.

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Contact Me





+91 7768937898


Nasik, India